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Alternative Sample Forms for D1.1 Prequal

I am looking at alternative formats for the forms used for welding procedures that are prequalified as allowed by chapter 3 of AWS D1.1.  Below are some ideas I have had. At the bottom of the page I modified a form that had been sent to me for review. I made one for GMAW/FCAW and one for SMAW The revision consisted of customizing the form for the process that was being used. I would love to hear other ideas and comments. 

1) The information that should be conveyed to the welder should come from the WPS but may be conveyed by other methods (verbally, written instructions, etc).

2) All of the "code required information" should be on the form . That information may come from chapter 3,4, and/or 5.

3) Some of the requirements are fixed for a given process and could be "written in" on the blank form if the forms were broken down by process.

4) Breaking the forms down by process would add pages to the code but in my opinion would reduce some of the confusion caused by having un-needed blanks on the forms.

5) The form is only a suggested format however it is accepted as "safe" to use though in my opinion it leaves out information that may be needed by the code. How does a welder know how wide the bead can be ? All the current form says is "stringer or weave". 

6) With the common use of computers today, changes to forms within a company are easy. The format in the code should not be used as a "xerox" form but should provide the user with some guidance that does not require flipping through 3 chapters to see what the restrictions are.

Nobody's personal information will be used for any purpose other than for ME to contact YOU.

1) Do you use AWS D1.1 Prequalified procedures

2) Do you use the format as it is shown in D1.1 2006

3) Have you created your own form that you feel better represents the 'intent' of the code:

4) Do you use a software program dedicated to welding documentation

5) Do you think the current form for welding procedures (Form N-1) could be improved to better convey code related information to to people using the form ?

6) Currently the form can be used as a PQR, WPS or Prequalified WPS. Do you feel all of the information for each of these can be adequately addressed using the form in its current state?

7) Does your company perform welding on any TKY connections using Prequalified WPS's:

8) Do you think the current form for welding procedures (Form N-1) could be improved to better convey code related information as it relates to prequalified TKY connections

9) Do welders at your facility have access to the WPS's on a regular basis:

10) Do you feel that the WPS is a tool needed for QC to verify welding is being performed correctly or for the welder to perform the welding correctly?

11) What is your job function   Other

12) How Many prequalified WPS's does your company have "

Contact information (optional but helpful) AWS Forum Name, Email, or phone

I would like to follow up your response with a phone call, PM on the forum or Email. Let me know if that is OK.


What comments do you have regarding possible changes to the "Sample Forms" in AWS D1.1.







pwpsSMAW.JPG (365947 bytes) Prequal SMAW  


pwpsgMAW.jpg (198407 bytes) Prequal GMAW/FCAW


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