Slag Trapped?
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The fitup of backing and RT results


Three of the illustrations below represent welds that could show up on film as welds with Slag or Non-Fusion. The gap between the backing and the base metal does NOT show up on the film however it can contribute to internal undercut.

In the 1st illustration the weld has slag trapped , in the third there is a zone of incomplete fusion, and in the fourth there is internal undercut. All three of these would look similar on film if shot with the source directly over the weld Center line.


Any slag trapped in the gap between the backing and the base metal as shown in the 2nd view would not be visible on the film in a manner that would make it rejectable. Since no metal is missing, there will be no discontinuity show up on the film.


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Weld With SLAG Trapped and Metal Missing
















Weld With Slag Trapped but no metal missing.












Weld with Metal Missing due to non fusion
















Weld with metal missing due to internal undercut.









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